Many Systems = Many Opportunities
Building Intelligence
From the tallest skyscraper to the smallest office building, CONTROLIQ has the power to help each manage their energy consumption while maintaining the utmost comfort for guests, tenants and employees. CONTROLIQ is designed to be operated from just about anywhere with customizable features that not only adjust the irrigation based off weather forecasts, but turn on lights before a meeting starts.
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The demand for temperature control often varies for many reasons in any given space. Office hours and events create the need for temporary conditioning based on variable occupancy. Scheduling of air handler operation or using setback techniques can greatly reduce the consumption of energy.

Control strategies can include operating the control towers at maximum efficiency to reduce energy costs. Multiple towers can be staged and operated using lead/lag strategies to balance the wear and tear. “Free Cooling” strategies can be implemented to curtail the use of mechanical cooling when conditions permit.

VAV’s serve to manage the demand for air in any given space based on both scheduling and set point. Coupled with variable speed drives on the supply fan, VAV’s can provide significant savings by reducing demand while allowing for individual zone comfort adjustments.

Chillers are typically the single largest consumer of energy in a building. Our control strategies can sequence only the necessary chillers to be running and control their load to maximize the efficiency of the entire chilled water plant and significantly reduce energy costs.

CONTROLIQ contains “Dynamics” which are elements of the program that allow for intelligent activation based on global location. Outdoor lighting can be programmed for activation at “Sunset” and deactivation at “Sunrise” based on latitude and longitude of the building.

With CONTROLIQ your irrigation system is not only capable of being automated but it can “know” when to irrigate based on current or future conditions. Built-in weather forecasting allows your system to anticipate precipitation or freezing conditions to “decide” how best to handle irrigation reducing water waste and preventing damage.

Control strategies can reset boiler operation based on outside air temperature and required load, reducing the number of boilers and utility consumption to operate them. Multiple boilers can be staged and operated using lead/lag strategies to balance wear and tear.

Lighting is the most visible energy use to your guests, employees and tenants. Controlling the lighting displays your commitment to energy reduction and creating a “green” building. CONTOLIQ allows you to integrate lighting control based on occupancy or schedules with an included ability for tenants to override for after-hours activity. Billing options are included for multi-tenant facilities that track overrides by account so you know where your energy is going.
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